
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Retelling...with Highlighters!

Do your students tell too much when retelling?

During assessments last week, I noticed my kiddos are telling way too many details in their retellings. I wondered.... what can I do to show how to retell correctly and for them to visualize retelling?

So.. voila!
Here's how:
~ Each student paired up and each person had the same passage, this class used Should Dogs Work from ReadWorks, the most *AMAZING* site ever for passages to use in your classroom.

~ The passage we used was broken up into three sections:
 Section 1: teacher model
Section 2: Partner 1 retelling
Section 3: Partner 2 retelling
(you could use any passage but I liked this one because each partner could retell their own section, and they didn't repeat from each other on the same passage)

~ While partner 1 retells their section, partner 2 highlights words or phrases their partner uses from the passage. Then it's partner 2's turn.

This was so helpful! The kids were able to see exactly what their retelling told! 

Happy Teaching!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Finding Main Idea- Cute Video!

Main idea is one of those tricky concepts for lots of kids.

The teacher down the hall discovered this awesome video for main idea; she says the kids are in *love* because it's to the tune of Justin Beiber's song, "The Beauty and the Beat"

I will certainly use this myself! 

Here is the anchor chart I use to teach how to find the main idea:
Happy Teaching!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Text Mapping

Recently, in my grad class, I learned about text mapping, have you? If you haven't, it's pretty much like having a conversation with the text, either "talking" about something in particular or just anything. The teacher who modeled it for our class told us that we could write thoughts, connections, questions, basically whatever! Then my professor continued by saying we could use text mapping for a particular skill also. Well, I decided to give it a go in my own classroom, to see how third graders do it...

We have been reading about how pictures and illustrations help us as readers, so I thought I would connect how having a conversation with the text would do the same. My students were in groups of 6, which I later found out was WAY too many! The next time I did this activity, I made groups of 3, worked beautifully!

To prepare for text mapping, you need to photocopy part of a book or print whatever text you want the students to talk with. Then, glue the text on a larger sheet of paper, I just used butcher paper that we use for bulletin boards. When you teach your students how to text map, model first! I used our document camera to show first how to mark what I want to say, then what I want to say.

Send your kids off, each with a different color, to have their own conversation! I walked around and wrote questions about their comments, or gave an answer to one of their questions, or made a connection.


Go give text mapping a try, you'll be glad you did!

Happy Teaching!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Reader’s Theater

Reader's Theaters are known to be super beneficial for students. With a reader's theater, the kiddos can bring the writing to life and be the voice they think the author is intending. They are able to put context to their reading. I love using reader's theaters!! With PA taking the state tests for the past two weeks, we have had some extra time down at the end of the hall. I thought what better way to utilize this time than to bring in some reader's theaters?! Currently, our reading unit is focusing on the presidents and the preamble, so I scooted over to Scholastic and this reader's theater website and found a couple that we could use.

I am a huge advocate for letting students learn as they go, so I gave them the scripts, they practiced and helped each other with picking voices and movements, and they even got creative with props they made! I love seeing their little minds at work!

So, after a long two weeks of hard work and practice, we were ready to put them on. I invited the other third grade ELA teacher and her class over to be our audience.

 Do you use reader's theaters in your classroom?

Happy Teaching!

~ Beth